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ASGW Resource Guide

The purpose of our guide is to provide information about resources in Wisconsin that may be helpful to you and your family. It includes brief descriptions of services and gives contact information to learn more about these and other resources. The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin believes that every person and family affected by autism is unique. You have the right to learn about all options and then select what you feel is the most appropriate for you. Some of the resources listed in this guide may be right for you and your family, while others may not match your family’s unique needs.

The Autism Society of the Fox Valley also publishes a resource guide for the Fox Valley area:

Next Steps Booklet

A guide for Wisconsin families new to autism.

Finding Your Way Guide

The design of the ASW Resource Guide is based on the Finding Your Way: A Navigation Guide for Wisconsin Families who have Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities developed by the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs program, within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Well Badger Resource Center

New home of the Wisconsin MCH Hotlines, Wisconsin First Step, and Wisconsin Informed Consent Help Lines.

We are health information specialists, located throughout Wisconsin, who are passionate about helping our neighbors connect with quality health resources. For information and referral call 800-642-7837 or visit

Operation Autism, a Resource for Military Families

The guide includes information about services, resources, & support available to military families.

Helpful Info

Living with Autism Series

In 2006 the Autism Society launched Living with Autism which presents user-friendly information within four eye-catching pages. The series was developed to provide easy-to-understand, practical information related to the autism spectrum for a broad audience on a wide range of topics.

Safe & Sound Series

The Autism Society has created a series of fact sheets and brochures to assist crime victim assistance professionals, families, and individuals with autism.

Additional Resources

Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Life Journey through Autism Series

Organization for Autism Research (OAR) has published six Life Journey guidebooks and The Best of The OARacle to date. You can read their descriptions, preview each online, or download copies at no cost. Click Here.

Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Kit for Kids

Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and their Families

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) produced this guide that is available Here.

Opening Doors - A Guide to Adult Services

The Department of Public Instruction has produced a helpful guide called Opening Doors – A Guide to Adult Services that provides helpful information on vocational services, postsecondary education, Family Care/IRIS, applying for Social Security, housing, Guardianship and more. Click here for English or Spanish.

Additional Opening Doors Guides

Opening Doors to Postsecondary Education and Training
(English) (Spanish)

Opening Doors to Self-Determination Skills
(English) (Spanish)

Opening Doors to Employment
(English) (Spanish)

Wisconsin Special Education Mediation Project

This project is available to assist parents or school districts with mediation or facilitation of their special education issues. Click Here.