Core Services

The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin provides a community for those who care about increasing the quality of life for the Autism community in our 53 county service area. Founded in 1979 as the Autism Society of Wisconsin, the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin has been passionately committed to serving the Autism community for over 40 years.


The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin works with other Autism Society affiliates and organizations to advance the well-being of Autistic individuals and their families at both the national and state level.


The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin and its local chapters actively work to build relationships and partnerships with other community agencies with the goal of building Autism friendly, inclusive communities across our service area.


The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin provides easy to understand, practical information related to Autism for a broad audience on a range of topics through our educational conferences, workshops and webinars. We work to educate those from multiple disciplines and the public at large about Autism and issues within the Autism community.

Information & Referral:

From the first call after diagnosis throughout the lifespan, the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin provides phone support to the Autism community through all the phases of life.


Local Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin chapters provide support through support groups, family events and other social groups. The Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin and its local chapters also help individuals and families navigate complex and confusing service systems and connect them to other local support services.